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Why use an Independent Utility Consultant, when you could jump online and look at a comparison web site?

This is a question I get asked all the time

Shawn Hunt

The key factor is that not all the best deals are on the comparison web sites. Very often they can be hidden away and you might miss them. I have the ability to compare multiple providers, and search out the best deals available at the time.

This will save you both time and money - no longer will you have to crawl multiple sites trying to work out the best deal for you.

My service is free, so my time will not cost you anything, I can do all the leg work for you, and just send you an overview of the best deals around. Then it is just up to you to choose.

Switching is easy we will do everything on your behalf, so what have you got to lose?

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5 Stars

Shawn was great. We asked him to look at our electric bill and he came back with huge savings which for a small business is really important. We have no hesitation in recommending Shawn to other local businesses.

DWE Legg & Son.
5 Stars

We never realised we could change water supplier until we spoke with Shawn. We were having issues and being overcharged, Shawn sorted out the whole process, our water bills are now stress free and cheaper.

Broadband Wherever Ltd
5 Stars

We have struggled with energy companies over the years, and we did not know what to do for the best. I contacted Shawn for his advice and he came up trumps, we have not been disappointed.

Mark Allen Cars
5 Stars

We have worked with Shawn for over 7 years now, and I cannot speak highly enough on the professional way he deals on a day to day basis. We would highly recommend him and to get onboard.

Colin Chessor Ltd
5 Stars

Shawn provided clear and concise information on all the benefits of his services. It is not just about saving money he instils confidence for an ongoing high quality service.

Notspot Broadband